Friday, September 23, 2016

Gilgamesh vs. Hebrew flood stories

The Epic of Gilgamesh flood story and the Hebrew flood story are both very alike sand similar in many ways. The Epic of Gilgamesh flood story happened because the gods were upset at how noisy and annoying the humans were being, this lasted for 6 days and 6 nights.  The Hebrew flood story on the other hand was started because the god felt that he wasn't being worshipped anymore, this lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. In both stories there was a hero wormed by avoid about the flood and told to build a boat, in the Hebrew story it was Noah and in the Epic of Gilgamesh Upnapishtim was warned in a visit by a god into his dreams. But Noah was warned directly by God. Noah brought his family and 2 of every kind of animal in the jungle, a female and a male. Upnapishtim only brought his wife. When the flood was over Upnapishtin was granted immortality but Noah still was faced with growing old and dying eventually. I think this stories might be so similar that they were told many different times and all originated from one story but were interpreted so many different ways based on religion. For example in the brew religion they believe in only one God this might be why Noah is warned by the god. But in the Epic of Gilgamesh flood story Unapishtim is warned by Ea the god of wisdom. There are many gods in the Mesopotamian religion so each god is the good of something, he is warned by the god of wisdom. I truly believe both these stories came from the same story but were changed or evolved over time according to what people interpretation them as and how they told them. I also believe religion plays a huge role in how they were changed.


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