Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Could Taoism be the Key to Further Understanding Chinese History?

I just read an article from the New York Times called Reconstructing Taoism's Transformation in China, It was a very interesting article. It discussed kind of how the religion of Taoism has transformed over time into what it is today. Taoism is a Chinese philosophy based on the writings of Lao-tzu, advocating humility and religious piety. This religion is not as popular as most today, but it is very important especially in helping to better understand Chinese history. Taoism shows us how most dynasties in early China did not govern the people in a fair way. But Taoism states that people must be justly. If Taoism states this then it use mean the rulers of China didn't. These leads us to figuring out how their social classes were determined and what jobs were done within each social class. Taoism has very different political beliefs than other religions, so these tells us how that they must have been trying to change things, leading us to what problems may have went on in Ancient China.

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